Wednesday, July 25, 2007

what if...?

what if a smartfighter seperti Tomy menghadapi fighter berbadan gede semacam Ali?
Tomy berbobot separuhnya Ali, tapi dia punya teknik sebagai amunisi, sedangkan Ali, bobotnya 85kg, dulu dia salah satu petarung kuat di MMA-Study Club, tapi sudah 3 tahun lebih dia tidak menginjak matras, satu2nya senjata dia buat melawan Tomy adalah tentu saja, his power and his instict.
jika tidak ada halangan, keduanya akan rolling dalam jiu-jitsu match di Fisipol UGM, Minggu 29 July 2007.
We'll see, mana yang lebih efektif?
tactic and techniques, with limit of power...
power [ali berlatih biceps curl dengan beban 30 kg dalam 5 sets, benchpress-nya 80kg], dan naluri bertarung [karena hanya itu yang tinggal dia punya, teknik terbaru dia tak tahu, so, he'll fight with instict].
Saksikan dan buktikan, mana yang lebih unggul?


Yes, fight, is unpredictable, especially in a real situation, a ka: on the street, bar, etc.
But, we have any choice, we can run, we can hide, or we can fight with our tactic, power, and of course…skill.
Why do I put skill in the third?
Coz, u know, in the fight situation, first u want to think about is, how to defend your self, how to get safe and stay alive, do you need to beat’ em? In the ring, or in the competition, yes! But in the street, nope! That’s not your priority, the first thing you must put in your mind is, how to get out from that conflict without being hurt, that’s it!
Street situation is so complex! There’s no referee, there’s no rules, there’s no time limit, and, you may get killed!
The choice is, to killed, or to be killed!
Am I speak too loud? Or too brutal? I don’t think so, I tell you the reality!
I was in the street fight situation, and I found that my martial art skill was very useless, all I need is how to get safe, and not how to get win.
My skill (including high kick, snap punch, and that artistic moves I bring from dojo) was gone, I’ve got blank in my mind, no time to think, I’m just react, and react to my opponent, according to Rickson Gracie said about fight situation “I don’t think, I’m just react to my opponent”.
And that’s what we did in our beloved club, we’ve trained to react, and analyze tactic, not style or art.
In some session, we put some techniques from any martial arts, then we did some test, we evaluated how effective that techniques if we put it in a real situation, and…poor, so much techniques that useless, your sensei, gurubesar, or whatever you call your teacher, is an artist, they’re not a fighter, much of them, never know how it feels to fight in the real situation, they just meditated, and..BLINK! They found new hardware… no, I mean, techniques, they come to you, they said, it’s very dangerous, don’t try this at home, bla..bla..bla…
What I want to tell you is, discuss your techniques is very important beside you trained, keep critic, don’t believe in your techniques until you try to use it in a real fight simulation.
[aliconstrictor: -urshoulderbreaker specialist-]

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

pintar bertarung atau bertarung dengan pintar?

Here we are...!
Setelah dimulai pada awal 2000 lalu, setelah para smartfighter kita terpisah ribuan mil jauhnya, tidak disangka fighting system kita akan tetap lestari oleh pemikirpetarung kita yang muda-muda itu...
Dulu kita mulai di sayap barat grha sabha pramana UGM, di rerumputan itu, kita bertaarung, with our own style, then...kita menemukan sesuatu bahwa, style tidak dibutuhkan dalam real fight, we only need to be smart and tactical!
Lalu kita mulai kumpul bareng, diskusi dan...tentu saja...rollin' alias bertarung!
Banyak sudah dojo dan club yang kita "sadarkan" dan kita "buka matanya", bahwa petarung tidak boleh dikungkung oleh style tertentu, petarung harus bebas mengekspresikan gayanya sendiri.
Jangan percaya kesaktian, percaya saja cuma kepada kecerdasan!
Be a smart fighter, and fight smart!
GRIPS! Teruskan perjuangan kami, mencerdaskan kehidupan petarung, karena masih banyak petarung yang belum tercerdaskan!